This blog has brought many blessings to me. One of the biggest blessings has been the connections and communications with distant cousins. Every generation seems to have had its share of 'stayer's and 'goers'. I seem to descend primarily from the 'stayers', those who rooted themselves in this little spot in North Carolina and stayed there for generations. Of course, there were 'goers' before them, the ones who came from another state, or country, to here.
And then there were the migrants, the siblings of my ancestors who went south and west, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, Arkansas, Mississippi, Missouri and Texas were the primary destinations.
Just now, I found that one of them who descended from the older sister of my second great-grandfather Hawk Davis, portraits, not only of their mother, Martha Palmer Davis, but also of her parents, James Palmer and Martha Atkins Palmer.
Martha was born on June 1, 1815 and died on July 16, 1879. Her death was mentioned in the Fayetteville Observer. She was the second wife of Major Henry Davis, son of Job and Sarah Winfield Davis. She was the mother of 9 children and stepmother to John Edward Davis and Benjamin Franklin Davis, Henry's sons by first wife Sarah Kendall Davis, daughter of Reuben Kendall.
Her children with Henry were:
Nancy Baldwin Davis Wall, who migrated to Mississippi (1835-1880)
Sarah "Sallie" Davis Crump, b 1837 d in Stanly County prior to 1900.
Henry Hampton Davis b 1840 died in 1864, Civil War
Mary "Mollie" Davis b 1842 died after 1860. Spouse and fate unknown.
Martha Jane Davis Ingram b 27 Dec. 1844 - died 20 Mar 1885 in Texas.
Horton H. "Hawk or Haut" Davis b 6 Oct 1846 and 30 Oct 1906 in Stanly County.
Job Davis b 1848 - turns up in Mississippi with sister. Dies after 1880.
Laura Davis b 1850 - never married died after 1910 in Stanly County.
Margaret Victoria Davis Crump b April 5, 1852 d 28 Sept 1934.
I can see her in the face of her son, my great-great Grandfather H. H. Davis.

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