The descendants of James Howell who lived in Anson and Montgomery Counties, and married Sarah Moore, and had a mother named Judith, and migrated to Illinois with some of his children, have his ancestory as James > Thomas > James, any way you turn it. He probably was not an only child.
He had the name "Jordan" in his lines, too. Was there a connection to our Richard and Jordan Howell in the Winfield lines?
Richard was born about 1770 and married Sarah Winfield, daughter of Peter Winfield and Charlotte Freeman Winfield. She was the granddaughter of Edward Winfield and Mary Harris Winfield on her paternal side, and Arthur Freeman and Agnes Stokes Freeman on her maternal side. They were part of the enormous influx of Southside Virginians that poured into the Yadkin/Peedee and Rocky River areas, with family ties to the influential Atkins, Marshall, Randle, Robertson, Stokes, Harris, and Freeman families.
I hear much ado about the Scotch who came in from the East, from the Cumberland and Sandhills area through Moore and Chatham into Montgomery and then Stanly. Then Germans, who came in from the north and west, from the German Settlements in Cabarrus and Rowan that crossed over into Stanly from those borders. But I find while digging through very early records, these Virginian relatives of mine were crucial and influential pioneers in the settlement and development of this river valley area. They were "the planters." When one area was exhausted, they would move on to another. Southward and Westward,, as lands opened up.

James Howell 'the first' shows up very early in the sparse records of the area. In Montgomery County, NC, Land Warrants & Surveys 1778-1833, a list of warrants in the area "Southwest side of PeeDee River and north side of Rocky River between Long and Bear Creeks on Mecklenburg Road adjoining the land of Peyton Randle on Long Creek" includes the name of James Howell, along with George Whitley, Isham Harris and others "excluding 3626 acres of patented land by heirs of John Stokes". The plat includes the names of waterways, Watery Branch, Cedar Fork, Hoopers Branch, Bear Creek, Little Bear Creek, and Big Branch.
Montgomery County Tax List of 1782
The only Howell in this record is James Howell. He is listed as an Invalid. He is not noted as being single. In acreage, he owns 100 acres. He owns no slaves. He owns one horse or mule and 4 head of cattle. His assessment was 32. James was not a rich man. 100 acres seems like a lot today, but probably his property was mostly undeveloped and he farmed a little plot that he and his children could work. Did he have children?
In the 1790 census, it appears he had a large family of daughters.
Name: | James Howal |
Home in 1790 (City, County, State): | Montgomery, North Carolina |
Free White Persons - Males - 16 and over: | 1 |
Free White Persons - Females: | 8 |
Number of Household Members: | 9 |
By 1800, he had acquired a son.
Name: | James Howell |
Home in 1800 (City, County, State): | Montgomery, North Carolina |
Free White Persons - Males - 16 thru 25: | 1 |
Free White Persons - Males - 45 and over: | 1 |
Free White Persons - Females - 10 thru 15: | 3 |
Free White Persons - Females - 16 thru 25: | 2 |
Free White Persons - Females - 45 and over: | 1 |
Number of Household Members Under 16: | 3 |
Number of Household Members Over 25: | 2 |
Number of Household Members: | 8 |
In 1780, James Howell appears as being from the "Upper End of Anson County", in a petition meant to carve off what became Montgomery from Anson, the county being so large and travel so difficult, citizens had a hard time making it to court, etc.
Name: | James Howell |
Gender: | M (Male) |
Remarks: | He signed his name with a mark. |
State: | North Carolina |
County: | |
Residence Year: | 1780 |
Household Remarks: | Name on a petition, 19 April 1777, to the Senate, etc., from the “inhabitants of the Upper End of the County of Anson” asking that the county be divided since the county has “grown popolous” |
Jordan Howell
Oct 5, 1803 Allen Harris to J. Dickerson 100 acres on waters of Cedar Creek. joining Jordan being part of a tract granted to John Poterfield by patent dated 1795 and sold by Arthur Harris, sheriff for taxes in 1797 and bid off to Thomas Cotton...executed a deed to Duke. Witnesses: James Story, Thomas C. Williams, West Harris Jr. (Note: Cedar Creek runs in the Southern part of the county, through the old Duke lands and near the Poplar Springs where abouts Jordans grandchildren lived and died. Also of note: Sarah Winfield's grandmother, Mary Harris Winfield had a brother named West Harris. These were probably cousins of the Winfields.
December 12, 1811 James Watkins, 200 acres. joins his own lines, Richard Butler, Jordan Howell, joins Smith, James Duke, Owen London, & Dudney. John Randle & Thomas Watkins: chain carriers. (Notes: Owen London is shown in 1800 in Hillsborough, Chatham County. Jordan Howell married a Randle and Thomas Watkins would become his son-in-law, James Duke lived near the area where several of Jordan Howells grandchildren are buried.)
Dec 12, 1811 Thomas Watkins 100 acres, joins James Williams and Frederick Williams, begins at a line where Jordan Howell and Frederick Williams lines cross each other. James Watkins and Aquilla Watkins, chain carriers.
Mar. 25, 1814 Will Stone to James Watkins. 200 acres, joins his own lines, Richard Butler and Jordan Howell. Begins at Richard Butlers corner post oak on west side of a hill, joins Smith and Jos. Duke. John Randle and Thomas Watkins, chain carriers.
April 3, 1821 Jordan Howell, John W. Howell (of Fayetteville, NC) and Levy Stancell and wife Charlotte (of Montgomery County, North Carolina) to Peter Howell (of Anson County) 140 acres begins at a mulberry on the river bank 60 poles above Griffin Nashes line, joins Lynch and third corner of Nash's line. Signed Jordan Howell, John W. Howell, Levi Stancell & Charlotte Stancell. Witnesses Stephen Nash and Darling Allen. (Note: These are the 4 children of Richard Howell and Sarah Winfield Howell:Peter, John W. , Jordan, and Charlotte Howell Stancell. Peter took over the farm, his sister married a minister and they traveled down into South Carolina and ended settling in Newton County, Georgia and his two brothers, John W. and Jordan, became merchants in Fayetteville.
Thomas Howell
Montgomery County was notorious for courthouse fires, some incidental, others set purposely to destroy records, Surviving is one book of partial records, in which two early deeds have persisted. The first one involves Thomas Howell.
Nov. 22, 1805 James Crump to Thomas Howell 200 acres on the south side of Pee Dee River on the waters of Mountain Creek. "The first of 200 acres surveyed for Thomas Nobles including the Stag Spring", joining William Nobles, Neuman's line, the second of 100 acres surveyed for Thomas Nobles, both tracts now in possession of the said Thomas Howell. James Crump and John Easley witness. Note: John and James Crump, from Virginia, were large land speculators,and like Will Stone, who had amassed enormous tracts of land in Montgomery and Stanly County. Then they became wealthy by selling it off in portions. They apparently lived on the Montgomery side of the river, near the present community of Eldorado, a gold mining area. The name "Nobles" will seen regularly in records involving Thomas Howell and his descendants.
The other record I mentioned did not involve a Howell, but Richard Howell's brother-in-law, Edward Winfield.
Oct 15, 1805 Edward Winfield of Anson County, NC to Peter Kindall of Stewart County, Tennessee for $400, One negro man named George, about 37 years of age.
This kind of record is bothersome and troubling, but they do exist. And they are important. It is these transactions that can allow African Americans to trace their ancestry, at times. In this case, we are just interested in two facts: One, Peter Kindall obviously had migrated from this area to Stewart County, Tennessee and Two: The connection to Edward Winfield.
Grantee: Joshua Carter Junr. Acres: 50 On waters of Mountain Creek. adj. Joshua Carter, Sr. lines. Harris Allen and "Boler" Allen lines. Aug 25, 1809 Chain Carriers: Daniel Shad, Thomas Howell.
October 14, 1809 Will Stone to William Noble 50 acres joins John Palmer, John Laton, and his own line on the west side of Clover Fork of Long Creek. Joins Thomas Howell, John Palmer and John Laton. John Laton and Elisha Laton, Chain Carriers.
April 15, 1814 Grant:7195 Thomas Howell 150 acres William Nobles lines and James Palmers lines on waters of Cloverfork on Southwest side of Yadkin River, Samuel Kendalls line. Chain Carriers: James Howell, William Noble. (Note: This is a very important record. First, we see the names of Thomas and James Howell in the same record (but without certainty which James. Second, it shows the name of the Howell whose property adjoined William Nobles. James Palmer is one of my direct ancestors, as his daughter Martha, was the second wife of Henry Davis, and my 3rd Great-Grandmother. Henry Davis's last residence was upon Cloverfork Creek, which runs north of Albemarle, NC and up into the Palestine area (part of Harris Township) near Mountain Creek and all of the Carter territory.
April 2, 1817 Will Stone to Thomas Howell for 150 acres joins James Palmer and William Noble, Surveyed by Brittain Chappell, SW of Yadkin River begins at James Palmers Oak, joins William Nobles & Samuel Kendall. William Nobles and James Howell Chain Carriers. December 2, 1818 Thomas Howell paid purchase money for 150 acres in entry 7606. (Note: This is a very important entry as it connects James Howell and Thomas Howell. However, I believe this James Howell could be the one who married Sarah Moore and removed to Hancock, Illinois with 3 of his daughters and son-in-laws and passed away there in 1871. This James is supposedly the son of Thomas and a mother, Judith. )
Sept. 4, 1822 Grantee: David Kindall 160 acres joins his own lines and John Parkers lines on waters of Deep Creek of Long Creek, Thomas Howell's corner, James Palmers corner, John Kendalls line, John Parkers line. Chain Carriers: William Kendall, Jephthah Kendall
Another source of records are old store ledgers. Daniel Freeman was an early and important merchant in the Montgomery and Stanly County area. He ran shop in Lawrenceville, on the Montgomery side of the river, then the county seat, until the counties split in the early 1840's. At that time, he moved to the Stanly County side of the river, into the newly platted town of Albemarle, laid out on a portion of the old Hearne plantation, while Troy was being built east of Lawrenceville in East Pee Dee, or the Montgomery County side. He may have chosen Albemarle because of its pivotal location on the Salisbury Market Road. At any rate, several of his store journals remain. One, from his Lawrenceville days, contains this one entry for Thomas Howell from July 1834. "Sundries $3.05, 2 lb Tobacco, 1 pr shoes $1.55 (total) $4.60" $3.05 was alot of sundries for the year 1834. His visit to the store was on the same day as Edmund F. Lilly, Elisha Smart, Boon McArthur, Lizzy Spivy and Peter Hall.
Richard Howell
Jan 1793 James McAnvail to Peter Winfield, Anson County, 100 acres on the South side of the Rocky River. Spencer and Rosses corners, Griffin Hogan, Joseph Watters and Taylor. signed James McVale (sp) Witnesses: Richard Howell and Griffin Nash. (Note: Here Richard is involved with his wife's family, father-in-law Peter Winfield and brother-in -law Griffin Nash. Hugh Ross was the first person Peter would purchase land from and in Sarah Winfield Howell Davis's family line a tract of land known as "the Spencer tract" would be mentioned in legal papers for the next 100 years.
Nov 22, 1794 James McIlvale (Anson) to Edward Winfield of same. 219 acres on Southside of Rocky River, begins at a Spanish Oak on the River bank, joins fourth and first corners of the old survey, a dividing corner between Richard Meanly and Robert Lee's heirs and mouth of Lanes Creek, being half of a 300 acre grant in 1783 to (illegible, probably Peter Winfield) and 65 acres of the old grant in 1747 to (illegible, possibly Hugh Ross). Witnesses: Peter Winfield and Richard Howell. (Note:Edward Winfield was the son of Peter Winfield. Richard Meanley was his brother-in-law, married to Keziah Freeman, younger sister of Peter's wife, Charlotte Freeman Winfield. Edward Winfield married Sussanah Lee and the Meanley/Manley's would migrate to Tennesee.
July 13, 1794 Jonas Randle, Jr. to Ozburn Randle, Anson County - Land in Montgomery- on Jacob's Creek. Joining Henry Roan. Surveyed for Mathew Harrell in 1782. Witnesses: John Randle and Richard Howell.
March 4, 1802 Charlotte Winfield, widow of Peter Winfield, deceased, to Edward Winfield, son of said Peter Winfield, Griffin Nash, Richard Howell, James Morrison, in right of their wives, all being heirs and legatees of Peter Winfield, deceased. (This is in Anson County)....information on property and division of and what is Charlottes' during her widowhood and then returns to the children.....signed Charlotte Winfield, Edward Winfield, Richard Howell, James Morrison, Griffin Nash. Witnesses: James Marshall and Richard Randle.
Oh, if all land records were so genealogically informative. No myserty here, except the parentage of these son-in-laws. Richard married Sarah, James Morrison was married to Ancena and Griffin Nash married to Jemima, all daughters of Peter and Charlotte Winfield.
May 31, 1802 - Oct. 1802, proved. Will of Richard Howell, mentions wife Sallie, (Sarah), children, but no names, Executor: William Marshall. Witnesses: James Marshall, James Morrison, Jordan Howell.
Richard did not last long after his father-in-laws death. There may have been an epidemic or accident which caused him to realize his own mortality in time to make a will. His children were Peter, John W., Jordan and Charlotte. Notice again, the involvement of the Marshall family. James Morrison was his brother-in-law and Jordan Howell his brother.
Dec. 28, 1851 John S. Smith, Stephen Crump, John S. Kendall...John A. Lilly, executor of David C. Lilly, waters of Buffalo Creek, Meeting House Branch, Jeremiah Ingrams pine, J. S. Kendall and Richard Howell, securities. (As the original Richard Howell passed away in 1802, this would either have to be Peter Howells son Richard (grandson of Richard the first) or Jordan Howell's son Richard (nephew of Richard the first).
Another later mention of a Richard Howell involves Allen Jordan and a "W. R. Howell". As there is a William R. Howell in the later half of the 1800's in Stanly County, it is worth a look. These deeds are from 1885 and 1886. The areas mentioned are "Cotton Stone Mountain" and "Suck Branch". In one W. R. Howell and Wilborn Hulin are Chain Carriers and in the other, Richard Howell and Wilborn Hulin are Chain Carriers. This Howell is William Richard Howell, born 1858 and died 1924 in Montgomery County, North Carolina. He married Trithenia Johnson and was the son of Edward F. Howell and Mary "Polly" Richardson Howell. Edward F. Howell, in turn, was the son of Yancy B. Howell and Mary Martin Howell and a brother of Yancy Howell, Jr. Past that, remains a mystery. It is unknown the ancestry of Yancy Howell, Sr. Maybe the unraveling of all these threads will demystify this line of Howells as well.
Yancy Howell and sons, Yancy and Edward Howell
May 19, 1836 Duncan McRae to Howell Harris Sr. 50 acres joins his own lines on waters of Mountain Creek, begins at Benjamin Rush'es, joins Yancy Howell, said Howell old 10 acre survey, Munn's old line, Anguish Martin and Yancy Howell, chain carriers. (Note: this Mountain Creek is without doubt, the Mountain Creek on the Montgomery County side of the PeeDee. Anguish Martin is probably a relative of Yancy Howell's wife. Worth mentioning is also the fact that Howell Harris is not the first individual with the first name "Howell" that is connected with persons of the last name Howell. It could be that Howell Harris and Howell Parker and the other Howell (insert last names) had a maternal ancestor that was a Howell and that maybe Howell Harris and Yancy Howell were cousins. Just an idea.
July 4, 1848 Duncan McRae to Samuel Usher waters of Mountain Creek. Yancy Howell and Malcolm Murchinson, Chain Carriers.
January 25, 1889 A R Morris to E F Howell 50 acres on Mountain Branch, joins Y B Howell and Allen Jordan and others. Begins at Y B Howell's corner walnut stump.
February 1, 1889 by A R Morris to E F Howell 50 acres on Mountain Branch. Joins Allen Jordan and Y B Howell, joins corner of William Haltom's grant, now Y B Howells land.
![]() |
Map of Creeks in Stanly County mentioned in the James Howell records. "Hills" is now Endy. Little Bear Creek running north to south on left, Long Creek to the right of it. Lick Branch to the north. |
James Howell
May 20, 1780 Benjamin Baird to Stith Pemberton 150 acres on head of Lick Creek, a branch of Long Creek, South West side of Pee Dee River, begins at head of Lick Creek. James Howell and Barton Daniel, Chain Carriers. Grant issued Dec. 2, 1799 (Note: Stith Pemberton 1763-1819, shows up in the first census of the USA in 1790, in Montgomery County. He was a Revolutionary War Veteran and appeared in the 1800 and 1810 census as well. Benjamin Baird, was a Scottish Gentelman who migrated from Sussex County, Virginia to Montgomery County, where he appears in Tax Lists and other records during the 1770's through the 1790's. His family later settled in Richmond County.
Stith Pemberton [Stith Pensberton] | |
Home in 1790 (City, County, State): | Montgomery, North Carolina |
Free White Persons - Males - Under 16: | 1 |
Free White Persons - Males - 16 and over: | 1 |
Free White Persons - Females: | 4 |
Number of Slaves : | 3 |
Number of Household Members: | 9 |
Oct 6, 1778 David Love to Nimrod Taylor 100 acres on Long Creek, between James Lee and Stradick, includes Culpeppers improvement. Surveyed by George Davidson, in Anson, now Montgomery County, on SW side of Pee Dee River and both sides of Long Creek. William Taylor and James Howell chain carriers.
Oct 26, 1779 Benjamin Baird to James Roper 50 acres begins on west side of Long Creek opposite (spelled 'opersit') his lower line and runs down the creek. John Lilly and James Howell, chain carriers.
Nov. 10, 1779 Benjamin Baird to James Roper. Joins land he bought of Culpepper. Begins at the road to Mecklenburg County, runs with the road to the fork, northward to Little Bear Creek. John Lilly and James Howell, Chain Carriers.
Dec. 20, 1780 Benjamin Baird to John Harberd Suggs 100 acres on south side of Long Creek, on Red Hill near Little Bear Creek and includes the improvement formerly owned by James Howell. .....chain carriers William Ellis and Harbert Suggs. Mentions Howells improvement on Long Creek once more.
Dec 22, 1780 Benjamin Baird to Mark Stevens 200 acres begins at James Howell's lines, joins Little "Bare" Creek, between Roper and Howell, begins at a red oak on top of a ridge. John Lilly and James Howell chain carriers.
March 2, 1792 John Crump to Thomas Ellis, 100 acres, both sides of Scaly Branch, crosses Watery branch, joins Solomon Burris on Meadow Branch, Surveyed by Isham Harris, Chain Carriers, Joseph Cooper and James Howell.
August 31, 1792 Anson County (Montgomery and Stanly were both part of Anson at this point) David Love to Thomas Durham, both sides of Little Bear Creek (which connects to Big Bear Creek and is in Stanly County) surveyed 1792 by Isham Harris. Includes Barletts Old Cabin. Peyton (Paton) Randle and James Howell, Chain Carriers.
November 20, 1782 David Love to Thomas Durham 200 acres on fork of Mountain Creek. begins on George Whitley's line, both sides of Little Bear Creek, Paton Randle, James Howell chain carriers.
May 12, 1794 John Crump to William Smith 300 acres on Little Bear Creek. Begins on West side of Howell's line. Surveyed in May of 1796 by J Atkins. S/W side of Pee Dee River on waters of Little Bear Creek. Begins at an ash in a drain on the west side of Howell's line. James Howell and Paul Howell chain carriers. (Note: This record is a very important one as it puts James Howell and Paul Howell together in the same setting and is one of the few mentions of Paul Howell. He deserves a post of his own, and I have traced him to Stewart County, Tennessee. He appears in only one census, the 1800 one, like Richard and Jordan, was not old enough to appear in the 1790 one.)
Name: | Paul Howell |
Home in 1800 (City, County, State): | Montgomery, North Carolina |
Free White Persons - Males - 16 thru 25: | 1 |
Free White Persons - Females - Under 10: | 1 |
Free White Persons - Females - 16 thru 25: | 1 |
Number of Household Members Under 16: | 1 |
Number of Household Members: | 3 |
Nov. 30 1801 John Neal to George Whitley 100 acres on Big Bear Creek. Joins George Whitley Surveyed in 1800 by Thomas Cotton. Corner of Picket and Colemans 200 acres tract. Chain Carriers: James Howell and George Whitley.
Jan. 6, 1807 Joseph Parsons to James Howell 100 acres on waters of Little Bear Creek. West side of Pee Dee River and Little Bear Creek. Joins Muddy Branch. John Carter and George Efird Chain Carriers
Grantee: James Howell: Acres 60 on Southwest side of Yadkin River. March 1 1810 adjoining Frances Locke and Letty Randle. Chain carriers: John Forrest and David Pennington.
Jan 10, 1813 Grantee: David Kendall 50 acres. Southwest side of Yadkin River, on waters of Long Creek, adjoining Samuel Kendalls line and John Palmers line, west side of a hill, James Howell's line. Chain Carriers: David Kendall, John Kendall. Note: The Kendalls seem as populous as the Randles in these days, and like the Randles, a big group of them would migrate away. This also places James Howell near not only Kendalls by this time, but Palmers.
April 2, 1817 Will Stone to Thomas Howell for 150 acres joins James Palmer and William Noble, Surveyed by Brittain Chappell, SW of Yadkin River begins at James Palmers Oak, joins William Nobles & Samuel Kendall. William Nobles and James Howell Chain Carriers. December 2, 1818 Thomas Howell paid purchase money for 150 acres in entry 7606
(Note: This is a very important entry as it connects James Howell and Thomas Howell. However, I believe this James Howell could be the one who married Sarah Moore and removed to Hancock, Illinois with 3 of his daughters and son-in-laws and passed away there in 1871. This James is supposedly the son of Thomas and a mother, Judith. He would have been 20 years old at this time )
Mar 4, 1819 Will Stone to Benjamin Cagle 100 acres. joins James Howell's old lines where Joseph Underwood lives on Little Bear Creek. Begins at Joseph Underwoods corner, formerly James Howell's red oak on west side of the creek. Benj. Cagle paid cash. witnesses by Robt. Goodwin for S. Goodwin.
John Howell
Sept 12, 1792 John Crump to Cary Pritchard 200 acres on Woodrun and Island Creek. Surveyed by John Christian. Join Joins Minzey Thomas, Andrew Dennis, and runs the line with Pritchards Woodrun Tract. John 'Balmore' (Palmer?) and John Howell Chain Carriers.
Jan 3, 1794 John Crump to Cary Pritchard 100 acres on N/E side of Pee Dee River, a vacant lot between my own line and runs into the river. Begins at a hickory 100 yards from the river bank on the hillside of McCulloughs place known as "Simpsons Folly". John Palmer and John Howell Chain Carriers
Sept 4, 1794 John Howell 150 acres John Crump to John Howell, joins John Morris and Joshua Carter. Returned and paid for by J. Craven, surveyed by J. Atkins. SW side of Yadkin River. Begins at a hickory in said Howell's old line. Joshua Carter and John Howell, chain carriers.
Sept 7., 1805 Joseph Parsons to George Crowell for 200 acres on S/W side of Yadkin River on waters of Long Creek (I need to add a little addendum here for those that don't know, but the mention of the Yadkin and Pee Dee rivers are not two distinct rivers, but a break in the same stream. The Uwharrie River is a distinct stream that runs into the Yadkin River and at the point where they meet, the Yadkin becomes the Pee Dee. Yadkin means upriver from the Uwharrie while Pee Dee means down river from the Uwharrie. The Rocky River flows into this stream, coming from Cabarrus County, forming the southern border of Stanly County and the northern border of Anson. At the fork of the Rocky and PeeDee, Montgomery borders Richmond County and Stanly borders Anson and the PeeDee splits Richmond and Anson like it splits Stanly and Montgomery.) On Waters Of Long Creek. Joins Samuel Kindall, Goodwin Solomon, & John Howell. 150 acres. On waters of Clover Fork of Long Creek. Edward Moores line, joins Drake Horne. Roland Kimball and Jesse Pickler chain carriers.
June 2, 1810 Will Stone to Samuel Carter Jr. for 20 acres, joins his own line and John Howell SW side of Yadkin River, begins at corner post oak of his lower 50 acre tract. John Hopkins and Elijah Carter, chain carriers.
Name: | John Howell |
Home in 1800 (City, County, State): | Montgomery, North Carolina |
Free White Persons - Males - Under 10: | 1 |
Free White Persons - Males - 45 and over: | 1 |
Free White Persons - Females - Under 10: | 3 |
Free White Persons - Females - 16 thru 25: | 1 |
Free White Persons - Females - 26 thru 44: | 1 |
Number of Household Members Under 16: | 4 |
Number of Household Members Over 25: | 2 |
Number of Household Members: | 7 |
Mary "Polly" Howell
The early censuses of Montgomery County show a Mary "Polly" Howell, likely a widow, with possibly a daughter and a son.
Land Grants Box 3 No. 11018 Grantee: Mary Howell, 30 acres adjoinin the lands belonging to the heirs of Samuel Carter, George Earnhardt (spelled Aronhart) & others. April 29, 1834. Chain Carriers William R. Howell and John Parker.
In 1830, Polly, as Head of Household, is obviously the female between 50 and 59 years old, with a young women in her 20's in her home, and a boy 10 to 14 years old.
Polly Howell | |
Home in 1830 (City, County, State): | Montgomery, North Carolina |
Free White Persons - Males - 10 thru 14: | 1 |
Free White Persons - Females - 20 thru 29: | 1 |
Free White Persons - Females - 50 thru 59: | 1 |
Free White Persons - Under 20: | 1 |
Free White Persons - 20 thru 49: | 1 |
Total Free White Persons: | 3 |
Total - All Persons (Free White, Slaves, Free Colored): | 3 |
By 1840, just Mary and her possible daughter are in the home, and William R. Howell shows up in his first census.
Name: | Mary Howell |
Home in 1840 (City, County, State): | West Pee Dee River, Montgomery, North Carolina |
Free White Persons - Females - 30 thru 39: | 1 |
Free White Persons - Females - 60 thru 69: | 1 |
Free White Persons - 20 thru 49: | 1 |
Total Free White Persons: | 2 |
Total All Persons - Free White, Free Colored, Slaves: | 2 |
Name: | Wm Howell |
Home in 1840 (City, County, State): | West Pee Dee River, Montgomery, North Carolina |
Free White Persons - Males - Under 5: | 1 |
Free White Persons - Males - 5 thru 9: | 1 |
Free White Persons - Males - 30 thru 39: | 1 |
Free White Persons - Females - Under 5: | 1 |
Free White Persons - Females - 5 thru 9: | 1 |
Free White Persons - Females - 30 thru 39: | 1 |
Persons Employed in Agriculture: | 3 |
Persons Employed in Manufacture and Trade: | 1 |
Free White Persons - Under 20: | 4 |
Free White Persons - 20 thru 49: | 2 |
Total Free White Persons: | 6 |
Total All Persons - Free White, Free Colored, Slaves: | 6 |
William Howell is also in West Pee Dee, married, with 4 young children, and 30 to 39 years in age. He lives near Kirks, Howell Parker, and not far from David Howell, who is also making his first appearance in the census records. Other Howells in Montgomery County in 1840 are Martha (widow of Jordan), John (her oldest son, John Randle Howell), Yancy (making his first appearance), Newton (living in Lawrenceville) and a Randle Howell, who is not John Randle Howell, who is a son-in-law of Titus Bunnell, whose family I am also researching.
A quick look "into the future" finds William R. Howell living in the Harris section of Stanly County, which is from the river to New London on the northeast quadrant of the county, married to Frances, and David, living in Harris as well, living with a wife a little older than he, named Lucy and a 77 year old Judith Howell, that was probably his mother. Could this be the same Judith who went to Illinois with James and Sarah Howell? I've seen people counted twice on the census many times in those days, once at home and once at "work", or at their parents homes, where they may have been visiting, and then in their own household.
Other Howells of mention:
Randall Howell
I know now that there were two, maybe even 3 Randall Howells. Of course, John Randle Howell, son of Jordan Howell and Martha Randle, remained in Stanly County and was one of the "younger" generation of Howells. Then, there are these records.
April 3, 1826 Duncan McRae to John Moss for 100 acres, joins John Bleaner and Titus Bunnell on waters of Yadkin River. Surveyed by Lockey Simmons and begins at a white oak on Titus Bunnells line. Robert Moss and Randall Howell, chain carriers. I am now researching the Bunnells, who migrated from Hartford, Connecticutt to the Carolinas around the 18-"teens". A Randall Howell married Sarah, daughter of Titus Jefferson Bunnell. This record probably refers to this Titus and this Randall...but then there are these two records:
March 1, 1794 John Crump to Francis Boyd for 50 acres begins at Buckrys corner on Mountain Creek, surveyed by Isham Harris SW side of Pee Dee river on Mountain Creek. Begins at a Hickory on Duckery's line, joins Vanhoose and Bartlett McGregor. William Boyd and Randall Howell Chain Carriers.
August 29, 1796 John Crump to Neddy Pennington for 100 acres on South side of Yadkin River, begins on Duckery's line, joins Charles Jones and James Boyd, begins at James Boyds lines and joins "Cuchey". Randall Howell and Rowland Ware, chain carriers. It is highly doubtful that this is the Randall Howell who married Sarah Bunnell and moved with her and her parents to Hancock County, Illinois, because although he appears in the 1840 census of Montgomery County, that Randall Howell also appears in the 1850 and 1860 census of Hancock County and his age is given as 1810 and 1813, so while they don't agree on age, he was not born in 1798. Perhaps this Randall was his father. This requires further explanation.
On January 26 of 1793, Joseph Howell of Washington County, Georgia to his son Samuel Howell of Anson County, 200 acres being the upper part of 440 acres, which is part of 640 acres granted to Joseph Howell. North side of Old Mill Creek and First Branch. Witness: Samuel B. Dickson and Moses Hollis. (Note; At this time, there is also a Joseph Howell living in Anson whose descendants having moving to Cabarrus County and being the progenitor of the Howells there. I've came across him, but have not researched him. They show no connection to our Richard or Jordan).
Abner Howell
Abner Howell was a member of the "younger generation", those Howells that popped up first in the 1830's. He appears in one census. The 1830 census of Anson County.
Name: | Abner S [Abner Y] [Abner T Howell] |
Home in 1830 (City, County, State): | Anson, North Carolina |
Free White Persons - Males - 20 thru 29: | 1 |
Free White Persons - Females - 15 thru 19: | 1 |
Slaves - Males - 10 thru 23: | 1 |
Slaves - Females - 10 thru 23: | 1 |
Free White Persons - Under 20: | 1 |
Free White Persons - 20 thru 49: | 1 |
Total Free White Persons: | 2 |
Total Slaves: | 2 |
Total - All Persons (Free White, Slaves, Free Colored): | 4 |
Samuel Howell, who may have first migrated from Anson County to Tennessee, did apparently at some point, follow his father Joseph to Georgia. He landed last in Alabama, where he died in Dallas County, Alabama in 1846. Listed as heirs of his estate were: his widow Mary, sons Abner Y, Samuel A., John F. and Thomas F.; daughters: wife of John Buster (or Bruster?), Wife of John Windsor, Wife of John Cunningham, wife of U. B. Davis, Wife of William Hip.
Thus creating a line of descent from Joseph Howell of Anson (then to Georgia) to Samuel to Abner Young Howell.
Dec 11, 1832 Abner Y. Howell of Anson County to William Flowers, same, for $450, a negro woman, Amy and her youngest child, Alexander. (Note: This shows that Abner and Phoebe Howell lived for a few year in Anson County, before Abner moved back to Georgia, where he was born and then on to Dallas County, Alabama. This also shows another connection to the Flowers family for this family. Abner's mother, Mary, was supposedly a Flowers. The name "Young" also is included in the middle names of several of the children, the younger ones, actually. It could be possible that Samuel married two Marys, the first one a Flowers, which is the middle name of some of the older children, and secondly, married a Mary "Young", who then would have been the mother of Abner Young Howell and Obedience Young Howell.
Hopkin Howell
April 17, 1776 Hopkin Howell (Planter) of Anson County, NC to Abraham Jones of the same place, 100 acres on the South side of the Pee Dee river, joins Arch Moorman on Jones Creek, William Benson, Frances Hamer, part of a May 19, 1772 grant to Hopkins Howell. Witnesses: Morgan Brown, William Benson, Grace Howell.
Hopkin Howell appears in the 1790 and later censuses of Anson County.
Name: | Hopkin Howell [Hoppin] |
Home in 1790 (City, County, State): | Anson, North Carolina |
Free White Persons - Males - Under 16: | 1 |
Free White Persons - Males - 16 and over: | 1 |
Free White Persons - Females: | 3 |
Number of Household Members: | 5 |
He appears in tax records as early as 1763
Name: | Hopkin Howell |
State: | NC |
County: | Anson County |
Township: | Tax List |
Year: | 1763 |
Database: | NC Early Census Index |
And nearly 20 years after the first land record (note: I did not collect all records for Hopkins Howell, concentrating on Howells in the Montgomery/Stanly County area, near where Jordan Howell farmed.)
Mar 13, 1795 Hopkin Howell of Anson County to Hartwell Ayre of the same (note: Hartwell Ayre was a Revolutionary War Veteran of Scottish origin who is shown in the 1790 census in Richmond County and by 1820 and 1830, in Marlboro County, South Carolina. I believe the Marlboro County one to be a descendant, son or grandson, as he lives until the 1850's. There were many sons named for Hartwell Ayre in lower NC and upper SC in the following generations, including Hartwell Ayre Broadaway in Anson and Hartwell Ayre Love in Stanly County)...part of the survey that Howell patented in his own name and afterwards sold off to Abraham Jones and William Benson...(a note is made that Hopkin Howell has a flourishing signature, a sign of a well-educated man.
Same date and parties: Howells claim to waters and fishery granted July 25, 1772, west side of tract "Ayer" bought of John Powers, being part of the same tract, includes a small island and 4/7ths of a right in the fishery and dam and traps of water. (Note: This fishery and the portions of a right in it may need looking into. Could it have been the heritage from an older Howell who built the fishery and Hopkins was one of 7 siblings?).
January 27, 1793 John Crump to Mary Rowland 200 on the west side of Big Bear Branch, at the end of a small branch, lower end of Sherrod Rowland's plantation, runs north along his old line to upper corner, survery 1793 by John Christian, On SW side of PeeDee River and west side of Big Bear Creek, Joseph Howell and Henry Howell, chain carriers. (Note: This is Cabarrus County Joseph Howell. according to descendants of this Howell line, his family began in Edgecomb County, NC and Joseph Jr. is the Joseph in the 1790 census in Anson County. )
Name: | Joseph Howeil [Joseph Howell] |
Home in 1790 (City, County, State): | Anson, North Carolina |
Free White Persons - Males - Under 16: | 1 |
Free White Persons - Males - 16 and over: | 1 |
Free White Persons - Females: | 2 |
Number of Household Members: | 4 |
There is an 1852 deed involving an Anson Howell and his wife Polly. This is the son of an Alexander Howell, whose origns are a mystery as well.
This last record shows how old the Howells go back in old Anson.
"November 19, 1768 (Eighth Year of Reign of George III) Thomas Howell and wife Elisabeth, St. Mathew Parrish, Georgia to Robert Leverett, Planter, of Anson County sold 300 acres on the North Side of the Great Pee Dee River, borders at a red oak on the east side of Little River (in current Montgomery County) granted June 20, 1746 to John McCoy, Sr. Witnesses: Solomon Gross, John Linch, & William Ussery, dower renounced by Elizabeth Howell, Townsend Robinson, Planter of St. Mathew Parrish, Georgia, quit claims any part of the property.
This is just a listing to study and see if any connections between the various Howells can be made. I need to take a closer look at some of the families and connections and see if anything emerges. Maybe 2 + 2 will make 4.
I am also descended from the Howell Parker mentioned here. 😀😀