In my previous posts, it was seen that most of the children of Phillip and Elizabeth Lynch had migrated south and west, but what happened to them after that? My goal is to find out, but first, a little background. Phillip Lynch was an early citizen to what is now Stanly County. He arrived when the area was still Anson. Shortly after, his home became Montgomery County, and long after his death, it would become Stanly. He would, after a spell, move across the Rocky River into what was, and would remain, Anson County, North Carolina. My best guess as to the birth year of Phillip Lynch would be around 1740 -1750. He was an adult by 1763. Phillip was married to a lady named Elizabeth, who was obviously younger than he. Elizabeth survived him by 4 decades and the record who gave a range of years of her age, suggest she was born roughly around 1768-1770. They were parents of a daughter by 1790, presumably Sarah born around 1789. Most of their children were born in the 1790's, with at least one daughter born about 1805. Phillip Lynch made his will in 1807 and died before 1810. Elizabeth Lynch, his widow, is accounted for in the 1810-1840 census records. The oldest of their two sons, Edmund Green Lynch, remained in Anson County, NC, during those years.
The children of Phillip and Elizabeth Lynch were:
1) Sarah "Sallie" Lynch born about 1789. Married William Cawthon, also seen as Cawthorne or any other various spellings. According to land records, they removed to Henderson County, Tennessee, during the later 1820's. William died between 1830 and 1840 in the community of Mifflin, Tennessee. Sarah is a widow in the 1840 census and in her 50's. She is not found in 1850, so probably died before 1850.
2) Edmund Green Lynch is found in Anson County, NC until 1840. There is no indication he ever married. He seems to have been born around 1794-1795. He is not found after 1840 in records. I don't know if he passed away in Anson County, NC or possibly Tennesee or Mississippi.
3) Catherine "Catey" Lynch was born sometime in the 1790's. She married Darling Allen, Jr., born in 1794, in Anson County, NC. She became the mother of three children before passing away before 1833. Her husband remarried, moved to Fayette County, Tennesee and then Indepence County, Arkansas. He was the son of Darling Allen , Sr. and Judith Nance.
4) Nancy Lynch was probably born in the 1790's to early 1800.. She married Stephen Nash, son of Griffin Nash and Jemima Winfield. Stephen was born about 1794 and was the Postmaster at Beaver Dam, Union County, NC in 1839. He was dead before 1846, and Nancy was dead before her brother John in 1833. They had one son, James W. Nash, born in 1818.
5) John W. Lynch was born on February 8, 1799 in Anson County, NC and died on February 28, 1833 in Prattville, Autauga, Alabama. He did not marry and had no children. He's the only one of the children whose tombstone survives, as far as I know. He never married and in his Will, verifed the deaths of his sisters Nancy Nash and Catherine Allen, He also mentioned his other siblings, Edmund Green Lynch, Sarah Lynch Cawthon and Betsey Lynch Coppedge.
6) Elizabeht "Betsy" Lynch was born in 1804 in Anson County, NC. She married Oliver Henry Coppedge in Anson County, NC. Their first child was born in 1828. They first moved to Henderson County, Tennesee, and then later to Marshall, Mississippi and lastly to DeSoto County, Mississippi, where Betsy died in 1864. As a side note, her brother, John, did not trust or like her husband, Oliver.
The estate of Elizabeth Lynch, mother of these children, was settled in Henderson County, Tennessee. The Administrator of her estate was John L. Cawthon. Elizabeth had made it to Tennessee. How did Elizabeth, a woman in her 70's or more, make the trip to Tennessee in the 1840's? Did her son, Edmund Green Lynch accompany her?
One very interesting newspaper clipping gave a few hints. Phillip Lynch died in 1807, when his children were still young. His wife, Elizabeth outlived him by 41 years. She was probably much younger than her husband. By the late 1820's, the younger generation of Lynches were on the search for greener pastures, that perfect piece of bottom land, a place to make their fortune. A few of them seem to have found it. A few of them did not.
Elizabeth Lynch died in 1849 in Henderson County, Tennesee.The Administrator of her estate was John L. Cawthon. Among the heirs of Elizabeth Lynch was James W. Nash, Oliver H. Coppedge and wife, James P. Cawthon, William T. Allen, Joseph Threadgill, James Coppedge, and others. We know her daughter Nancy had married Stephen Nash. Nancy was deceased before her brother John W. Lynch died in 1833 and wrote his Will. We know that James W. Nash was her only son.
We know her daughter Sarah had married William Cawthon. To be her heirs, the Cawthons mentioned must have descended from her through her daughter, Sarah. Daughter Betsy had married Olvier Coppedge and both were apparently still alive. Her daughter Catherine, or "Catey", or "Katie", had married Darling Allen Jr. To be her descendant, William T. Allen probably descended through her daugher Catherine. James Coppedge probably descended through her daughter, Betsy and husband, Oliver. There was no mention of Edmund Green Lynch, or indication that he was alive. Apparently Elizabeth had outlived all but her daughter, Betsy (Elizabeth) Lynch Coppedge. The trails to trace the next generations were tedious, fascinating and lead me to places in my family tree I never knew existed. I haven't posted on these discoveries I have mentioned because they are all so new and all I really have is DNA matches and questions.
James W. Nash
On May 23, 1842, James W. Nash of Madison County, Mississippi to Griffin Nash, his grandfather, of Anson County, North Carolina. "Nash owns land in Anson County known as land on which the late Stephen Nash last lived before he died". James gave Power of Attorney to Griffin Nash to sell the propert y to 'anyone'. It was recorded in Anson County Deed Book 11 Page 69, recorded in Madison County by Clerk of Probate Court, John J Cameron and in Anson by N.D. Boggan.
James had moved to Madison County, Mississippi to join his Nash family, in particular, Uncles Peter Winfield Nash and Wilson Griffin Nash, brothers of his father, Stephen. They had settled in Madsion County fairly early and had managed to do quite well for themselves.
Out of all the new possible brides from eastern states and of various countries of origin that he now could have chosen from, James W. Nash chose his cousin Mary Nash, daughter of Wilson, for a bride.
Name | James W. Nash |
Gender | Male |
Marriage Date | 23 Dec 1846 |
Marriage Place | Madison, Mississippi, USA |
Spouse | Mary Nash |
They were married on December 23, 1846. Christmas weddings seemed quite the thing back then. Cousin weddings were the bee's knees, too. The marriage would not last long.
In 1847, a year after the marrage, the newly wed couple had a son they named Stephen Lynch Nash, obviously named for James' father, (his first name) and James's mother (her maiden name). Mary may have died shortly after childbirth, it is unknown. It appears she passed before 1850, sadly. Her father, Wilson Nash, brother of Stephen Nash, took over the raising of the child.
Name | Stephen L Nash |
Gender | Male |
Race | White |
Age | 3 |
Birth Year | abt 1847 |
Birthplace | Mississippi |
Home in 1850 | Madison, Mississippi, USA |
Line Number | 16 |
Dwelling Number | 552 |
Family Number | 564 |
Inferred Father | Wilson Nash |
Inferred Mother | Susan Nash |
Household membersName | Age |
Wilson Nash | 59 |
Susan Nash | 57 |
Madison G Nash | 20 |
Edwin F Nash | 16 |
Stephen L Nash | 3 |
William Turner | 28 |
In the 1850 census, little Stephen is found living with his grandparents in Madison County. Wilson Nash was 59 and his wife, Susan Walker Ragan Nash, was 57. Living with them were sons Madison Griffin Nash and Edwin Franklin Nash. William Turner was an employee.
A little about Susan; she was a youing widow when she and Wilson married. Born Susan Walker on Feb.6, 1794 is Georgia, Susan had married Jonathan Clarence Ragan on December 19, 1808, at the age of 14. They had one child together, a daughter Avaline Evaline Ragan, in 1813. This was in Oglethorp, Georgia. Her husband , Jonathan died on April 6, 1813, and at some point, Susan and her little girl made the move to Mississippi and Wilson Nash had made the trip from North Carolina to Mississippi. On July 18, 1822, Wilson Nash married Mrs. Susan Walker Ragan in Lawrence County, Mississippi. Together they would have and raise four more children, along with Avaline: Anne Eliza in 1824, Mary, about 1827, Madison in 1830 and Edwin in 1834. There may have been other sons, based on the 1830 and 1840 census records, but if so, their names were unknown. The boys and young men counted could have also been workers, or other relaties.
Susan Walker Ragan Nash died a few years after the 1850 census, and was buried in the Old Canton Cemetery on August 14, 1852. It is very likely her daughter, Mary, is buried their too, but no marker survives. What does survive is the tombstone for James W. Nash, Mary's husband, pictured below.
The death date given for James W. Nash is August 9, 1853, a year after Susan. Where he was in 1850 is unknown. Perhaps he had to travel back to North Carolina to take care of some business.
Another thing about the 1850 census, occupations. Wilson Nash was a planter. Twenty year old Madison was a medical student. Sixteen year old Edwin was a Student. William Turner was an overseer from South Carolina. They lived next to an attorney and another planter. Wilson also kept a large number of slaves.
Unfortunately for young Stephen, his grandfather didn't live until he was an adult. Wilson died about 1858. He made clear provisions for his grandson in his Will. Below are excerpts from the Will of Wilson Nash. Remember, Stephen Lynch Nash was the grandson of Stephen Nash and wife Nancy Lynch, on his father's side and was the grandson of Wilson Nash and wife Susan Walker on his mother's side, Stephen and Wilson being brothers, sons of Griffin Nash and wife, Jemima Winfield of Anson County, NC.
Thirdly I give and bequeath to my grand son Stephen Lynch Nash his heirs and assigns
upon the terms hereinafter stated. The following described lands and premises with the
appurtenances being in said county to wit: NE 1/4 of SW 1/4 of Section 22 and the North
west quarter of Section 27, all in Township 9 Range 3 East, also the following named
Negroes George, Violet, Martha, Caroline, Taylor, Henry, Manny, Lee and Frank; and I
give and bequeath said land and Negroes to my said grandson in manner following
namely if my said grandson shall die before he comes at the age of twenty one, and
without marrying and having a lawful child then and in such event said land and Negroes
shall become the property of my sons Madison G. and Edwin their heirs and assigns to be
equally divided between them. But if my said grandson shall either make the age of
twenty one or marry and leave a lawful child or children their said land and Negroes
shall belong to my said grandson in fee simple. And at all events it is my will that my
said grandson shall have the benefit and profit of said lands and Negroes during his life
and immediately upon my death for his interest and education are uppermost.
Stephen was around 10 or 11 years old when Wilson Nash died
Ninthly. It is my will and desire that my relation Elijah Young shall upon my death take
charge of the person of my said grandson Stephen Lynch Nash and of the property herein
bequeathed to him as a trustee for the use and benefit of my said grandson according to
the terms and conditions, and for the reasons herein above declared.
Wilson assigned Elijah Yound, his 'relation', as the guardian of Stephen Lynch Nash. Who was Elijah Young?
Born in 1808 in South Carolina, Elijah Young had married oldest daughter, Avaline Regan, Wilsons step-daughter by blood, although he had raised her. Avaline was the child of Susan Walker Nash's first, brief, marriage. After Avaline, together, Wilson and Susan had had Anne Eliza, (married George Ross), Mary, (married James W. Nash) and sons Madison Griffin Nash and Edwin Franklin Nash.
Elijah Young and Avaline (or Evaline) Regan Young had children Susan, Sarah, Ebenezer, Mary, Emma, William R, and Samuel.
Name | Elijah Young |
Age | 52 |
Birth Year | abt 1808 |
Gender | Male |
Race | White |
Birth Place | South Carolina |
Home in 1860 | Madison, Mississippi |
Post Office | Canton |
Dwelling Number | 733 |
Family Number | 731 |
Occupation | Planter |
Real Estate Value | 50000 |
Personal Estate Value | 61700 |
Inferred Spouse | Araline Young |
Inferred Child | Willie Young |
Household membersName | Age |
Elijah Young | 52 |
Araline Young | 47 |
Willie Young | 12 |
Emma Young | 13 |
Saml Young | 10 |
Stephen L Nash | 12 |
A A Carson | 24 |
Mary Carson | 20 |
Elijah Carson | 6/12 |
It is with the Youngs that Stephen is found living in 1860, in Canton. Madison County, Mississippi. The Carson;s were Elijah's daughter, Mary and her young family. Elijah, also a Planter, passed away in 1861, when Stephen was yet 13.
Elijah Young's Will mentioned wife, Evaline, and children Ebenezer H., Emma Eliza, Willie R. and Samuel J. Young and married daughters, Mary Ann Carson and Sarah A. Thomas. No mentioned of Stephen Lynch Nash or what was to become of him.
Stephen was fortunate, perhaps, in the fact that he was just young enough to escape the coming terror of enlistment in the war. It's unknown what effect it had on the course of his life, but between 1861 and 1870, Stephen went into law enforcement.
Name | Lynch Nash |
Age in 1870 | 22 |
Birth Date | abt 1848 |
Birthplace | Mississippi |
Dwelling Number | 1104 |
Home in 1870 | Police District 1, Madison, Mississippi |
Race | White |
Gender | Male |
Post Office | Canton |
Occupation | Deputy Sheriff |
Male Citizen Over 21 | Yes |
Personal Estate Value | 300 |
Household membersName | Age |
Adaline Luckett | 22 |
Wesley Luckett | 27 |
Frances Luckett | |
Fredrik Deedrick | 21 |
Lynch Nash | 22 |
Tranqghama Medrick | 42 |
Addo Ballen | 18 |
The 1870 census
The 1870 census finds Stephen working as a Deputy Sheriff in the town of Canton, Madison County, Mississippi, where he had been living. He had residence in an odd boarding house ran by an African American lady named Adaline Luckett, along with a small assortment of immigrants.
Name | S. L. Nash |
Age | 30 |
Birth Date | Abt 1850 |
Birthplace | Mississippi |
Home in 1880 | Beat 1, Madison, Mississippi, USA |
Dwelling Number | 557 |
Race | White |
Gender | Male |
Relation to Head of House | Nephew |
Marital Status | Single |
Father's Birthplace | Mississippi |
Mother's Birthplace | Mississippi |
Occupation | Railroad Co |
Neighbors | View others on page |
Household membersName | Age |
Mira E. Rop | 54 |
R. L. Rop | 32 |
S. L. Nash | 30 |
In 1880, he is found living with another Aunt. Ann Eliza Mira Nash, his mothers' other sister, had married George Ross. Stephen is now working for a railroad company, His Aunt is a Widow and his cousin Robert L. Ross is living there, too. Ross is , of course, misstranslated as "Rop".
Working for the railway took Stephen far and wide and he ended up in New Orleans, probably an exciting city for the Mississippi raised Nash. There, he met and married a widow, Anne Whelan (Whalan) Thompson. They were married on January 10, 1882.
Name | Stephen L. Nash |
Gender | Male |
Marriage Date | 10 Jan 1882 |
Marriage Place | New Orleans, Orleans, Louisiana, USA |
Spouse | Annie Whalan |
Annie had been born on March 15, 1850 in Ireland. Her first mariage was to John Richard Thompson, a midly older man who had died in 1879, leaving Annie a young widow with several children and a considerable inheritance. Thompson was also from Ireland and together, they had children John, William Andrew, Annie Mae, James T., Elizabeth Jane Lillian, Joseph and Katherine, several who died young and were buried in the local cemetery.
The Times Democrat - New Orleans, Wednesday, Oct 18, 1882, page 3. |
That same year, 1882, Stephen purchased Two lots on Market Street form Mrs Thomas Holton, bounded by Market and Jackson Streets and Atlantic and Pacific Avenues.
This area still exists and was in the midst of the French Quarter.
Name | James Albert Nash |
Gender | Male |
Race | White |
Birth Date | 22 Dec 1882 |
Birth Place | New Orleans, Louisiana, USA |
Father | S. Lynch Nash |
Mother | Annie E. Whalen |
Also, in 1882, on December 22, Stephen and Annie were blessed with a son, James Albert Nash, born 11 months after the wedding.
Two years later, in 1884, Stephen and Annie would welcome a daughter, whom they named Mary, for Stephen's mother.
Also that year, Stephen sold one of his lots on Market Street. New Orleans was a tricky place to live, along the water. Sadly, the same year she was born, James and Annie lost their baby girl, Mary Nash.
Name | Mary Nash |
Age | 1 Months |
Birth Year | abt 1884 |
Death Date | 15 Jun 1884 |
Death Place | Orleans, Louisiana, USA |
She was buried next to her half-sister, Kathryn Thompson.
Name | Stephen L Nash |
Residence Year | 1886 |
Street Address | Dist |
Residence Place | New Orleans, Louisiana, USA |
Publication Title | New Orleans, Louisiana, City Directory, 1886 |
In 1886, the New Orleans City Directory had Stephen Nash as the proprietor of a Hardware Store.
In 1887, Stephen sold a separate lot, bounded by Dumaine, St. Phillip St., Claude and Treme Streets.
Name | James Albert Nash |
Age | 5 |
Birth Year | abt 1882 |
Death Date | 22 Dec 1887 |
Death Place | Orleans, Lousiana, USA |
Volume Number | 92 |
Page number | 370 |
In 1887, tragedy struck again, he lost his 5 year old son, James Albert.
Life was not going well for Stephen Nash. In 1889, the Hardware Store was liquidated, "in the matter of the Sucession of Annie Whalen, Widow by first marriage of J. Thompson and Wife by second Marriage of Stephen L. Nash."
Name | Annie L. Whealen Nash |
Gender | Female |
Age | 40 |
Birth Year | abt 1849 |
Death Date | 17 Aug 1889 |
Death Place | Orleans, Lousiana, USA |
Volume Number | 95 |
Page number | 777 |
Annie Whelan Thompson Nash, passed away at the tender age of 40, leaving Stephen a widower.
House on Bouny in time of Stephen and Annie |
Annie was sick, and fearing the worst, she hailed a notary. Excerpts from the Will are listed below, but within, she mentioned only her husband, Stephen Lynch Nash, and three chldren.
Name | John Thompson |
Age | 10 |
Birth Date | Abt 1870 |
Birthplace | New Orleans |
Home in 1880 | New Orleans, Orleans, Louisiana, USA |
Street | Villere Street |
Dwelling Number | 39 |
Race | White |
Gender | Male |
Relation to Head of House | Son |
Marital Status | Single |
Father's Name | John Thompson |
Father's Birthplace | Ireland |
Mother's Name | Annie Thompson |
Mother's Birthplace | Ireland |
Occupation | Student |
Neighbors | View others on page |
Household membersName | Age |
John Thompson | 42 |
Annie Thompson | 32 |
John Thompson | 10 |
Wm. Thompson | 8 |
Annie Thompson | 7 |
Elizabeth Thompson | 5 |
Wm. Sullivan | 15 |
Joseph Thompson | 4/12 |
In 1880, two years before her marrieage to Stephen Nash, Annie was shown as the mother to John, 10, William, 8, Annie 7, Elizabeth, 5 and Joseph, 4 months old. They also had an adoptedson, William John Sullivan 15. William Sullivan may have been Annie's biological son by a previous marriage.
Name | Anna Thompson |
Age in 1870 | 22 |
Birth Date | abt 1848 |
Birthplace | Ireland |
Dwelling Number | 702 |
Home in 1870 | New Orleans Ward 14, Orleans, Louisiana |
Race | White |
Gender | Female |
Post Office | New Orleans |
Occupation | Keeping House |
Father of Foreign Birth | Yes |
Mother of Foreign Birth | Yes |
Inferred Spouse | John Thompson |
Household membersName | Age |
John Thompson | 32 |
Anna Thompson | 22 |
John Sullivan | 5 |
In 1870, there was John, Annie and "John Sullivan", aged 5. John William Sullivan's date of death was given as October 25, 1882, and the Thompsons were listed as his parents. He was 17,
John Richard Thompson, Jr., a 10 year old student in 1880, was born to John and Annie on September 13, 1870, months after the 1880 census. He passed away before his mother.
Other children of Annie Whelan Thompson Nash were:
William Andrew Thompson (1871 - 1939)
Annie May Thompson Sadler (1873 -1939)
James T. Thompson (1873-1876) died at age 3, may have been twin.
Elizabeth Jane Lillian Thompson Forbes (1876-1951)
Katie Thompson (1878-1879) who died at age 8 months of 'Teething",
Name | Katie Thompson |
Gender | Female |
Race | White |
Estimated Birth Year | abt 1878 |
Birth Place | Louisiana, USA |
Age | 8/12 |
Death Date | Jul 1879 |
Cause of Death | Teething |
Census year | 1880 |
Census Place | New Orleans, Orleans, Louisiana, USA |
Line | 12 |
I'm sure it must have been something else.
Joseph John Thompson, shown as an infant in 1880, made it to age 8, passing away on on July 4, 1888, a year before his mother.
James Albert Nash (1882-1887) and
Mary Nash (1884-1884) were he last known children. Of 10 children, three would grow up.
Andre' Detremont Doriocourt Jr. was a member of an old French family of Algiers, and a part of the New Orleans elite, going back 5 generations to a Frenchman named Francois D'Oriocourt who had arrived in New Orleans from France long before the country was a country. Andre played an important part in the next few years of Stephen's story.
On August 22, 1889, Doriocourt was called to the bedside of a very ill Annie Nash. She Doubted her own survival rate and wanted to get her affairs in order. Andre, as a Notary, recorded the last Will and Testament of Annie Whelen Thompson Nash.
"Mrs. Stephen Nash at her residence on Villere' et bet Bouny between Lauin and Patterson street where I found Mrs. Nash sick of body, but of sound mind, memory and understanding...requested to recieve her last Will and Testament in the presence of these Alphonse Rieffel, Louis Guillard, and Francis Durri, three witnesses duly qualified."
"I give and bequeath to my dear husband Mr. Stephen Lynch Nash, two properties situated in Algiers, one bounded by Villere' Delaronde, Swguin and Bouny, designated as number 6, side of Bouny Street......corner of Bouny Street, which said property was purchased by the said Stephen Lynch Nash on the 26th day of July, 1884, from Eliza McMarten widow of Thracemond Lanproy Landry.
Two, One certain lot of ground situated also in Algiers in the fifth district of this city in Square number 41 which is bounded by Pacific amd Elmire Avenue, Peters and Alex Streetspurchased by Mrs. Annie Thompson from Thomas Holton 15 November, 1880....Remainder of property divided between my three children, William Andrew Thompson, aged about 16, Elizabeth Jane Thompson, aged about 14, and Anna Mary Thompson, aged about 15......Give to my son William Andrew Thompson, the gold watch which belonged to his father, over and above his share. I give and bequeath my diamond earrings and pin jewelry, which I possess, to one of my daughters, to the one who shall behave the best and the balance of my jewelry to be equally divided between my daughters and I give and bequeath to my husband, Mr. Stephen Lynch Nash, the bedroom set, which I now occupy."
"I appoint for my executor and testamentary executor and tutor of my three children, my husband, Mr, Stephen Lynch other Wills... Signed Mrs. Annie Nash, Alphonse Reiffel, Louis Guilland, Francis Durre' and Andre Denvoricourt - Notary." Leaving Out most of the legalese and irrelevant bits.
The headaches for Stephen Nash had just began, as he faced the high emotions of three monied and thus far educated teenaged stepchildren, who had never seen their mother as married to anyone but their father. Despite her legal will with respected witnesses present, they saw everything as having belonged to their father, and then their maother, and therefore, only theirs. They resented Stephen's existence and legal rights to anything, even what he had purchased of his own funds. I wonder what the three would have tried had little James and Mary Nash had survived?
Several articles appeared in the local papers over the next few weeks. They were quite lengthy, so will be addressed in sections. Keep in mind, the accusations were of highly emotional orphaned teens, aged 14, 15 and 16.
The children accused Stephen, thier stepfather, and Mr. Doriocourt, the attorney, of theft.
John Richard Thompson, father of the three children, had been a sucessful Coppersmith and left the family a comfortable living with a Hardware Store to boot. Stephen Nash worked for the Texas and Pacific Railroad, where he was making a comfortable living and promoted to Conductor. He met Annie, a widow, and the article states she 'fell victim' to his charms. That's a very biased description. They met, fell in love, and married.They had and lost, two children of their own.As stated in her Will, Annie very much loved, and trusted, Stephen.
The article then gave a bit of a description of Stephen, and the life he had before maeeting Annie. He was a good-looking man, and had left Missiissippi for Texas, where he had escaped several run-ins with the Comanche tribe. He had worked as a Scout, and a brakeman for various railroads, before becoming a conductor, and meeting Annie Whelan Thompson. Everything was fine until Annie died on Augst 18, 1889.
The children claimed Stephen, their stepfather, and Doriocourt, the Notary, had stolen from them by forcing them to produce their mothers jewelry box, upon threat of arrest, which had been willed to them, specificlly.
A reporter went to the Thompson Hardware store, which was now under the management of Stephen Nash, and found only the children, and interviewed them concerning their grievances. The three teens gave him the story that Nash had been a cowboy in Texas, and had then gotten a job as a brakeman for the Texas and Pacific Railroad. We know from earlier records that he had been a policeman in his early twenties, while still in Mississippi, and was recorded as working for the railroad while still living in Canton, Madison County, Mississippi in 1880.
The teens claimed he never worked after his marriage. He was given to drink, they claimed, and would go missing from home for a week at a time.
Annie had been a wealthy woman, having owned 7 houses and the hardware store and buildings at the time of her death.
They said Mr. Doriocourt was his attorney, but not theirs. The store had been advertised for sale, but without a family meeting. At some point, the children claimed Stephen wanted to bring a 'notorious' woman to the house, but the children objected, making him angry. He threatened to blow the top of 15 year old Annie Mae's head off.
The woman left for St Louis the week prior, and Nash had taken it badly. The children were happy about it. He was staying in a boarding house, but came home to nail the workshop up to prevent anyone from getting anything out. Then the following Saturday, he returned and claimed $150 cash from the armoire, which was the last remaining cash.
At this time, Nash demanded the children produce the jewelry box of their mother's. Refusing, Willie was told he would be sent to the penitentiary if he didn't. Willie gave him the key, as the attorney advised them to. The box contained three watches, chains, diamond sets, and other expensive jewelry.
The attorney owed money to the estate, they claimed. Stephen, after claiming the box, said "Now you can pop your whip", meaning they could now use their authority against someone. Exiting, the attorney told Willie to "Go back and make another big bluff". When they demanded the key to the jewelry case, he had told Willie he'd have an officer there in 30 minutes.
The reporter called upon Stephen, to get his side of the story at No. 115 Customhouse Street, where he was residing. His room was described as a Gallery room on the third floor and was "comfortably, if not expensively furnished."
Mr. Nash was asleep and had given instructions not to be disturbed, but they woke him anyway.
The statement of Stephen Lynch Nash was, as quoted, "I am the sole executor of the will, and it is so stated in black and white that all may see. With the exception of the diamonds and two houses and half of the hardware store the estate is in succession. The diamonds were so bequeathed that I was was to give them to the one of the girls who treated me best. Knowing these diamonds and things were idle at the house, I thought it would be best to put them in bank. I have been badly treated and I left the house to keep people from talking. If the children suppose I am a thief, they are badly mistaken in the matter. They have had bad advisors, particularly such a one as Vogt.
Stephen went on to explain that he went to unlock his armoire to discover it had been rummaged through, and the jewelry box missing. He questioned the two older children and was told by Willie that he had it locked in the safe. The children had made an extra key to the armoire. Stepehn told them he wanted to take it to the bank to keep it safe. He told them that the act of making the extra key could send someone up the river. He then mentioned John Sullivan, as a tutor of the estate. John William Sullivan had been living with the Thompsons as a small boy. Sullivan claimed to know nothing of the box. He left the smaller items of jewelry with the children and took the most expensive things to the bank for safe keeping.
Nash said nailed up the workshop, because the tools were all his, and claimed that half the store was too, as was stated in the marriage contract. He appointed Sullivan, whom he said he had raised from a little boy, as executor and got his own separate place for his mental health. He said he had asked them to allow a woman to wait on him, but they refused. Was she a nurse or a prostitute? It was unclear, as the two sides ofthe story differed so much. The box of jewelry was found to be safely in the possession of a bank, and was tagged as police evidence.
A Second article, also in The Times Democrat, and dated the next day, October 16, 1889, told a very different kind of story and showed the legal aspects of the case, which were very much on the side of Stephen Lynch Nash, and his friend and attorney, Andre' Doriocourt..
At this time, Stephen and his attorney Doriocourt, were shown in a more favorable light.
The court sided with Nash and his attorney, that all actions taken were right and lawful, and whatever actions Stephen had taken were legal, if not moral, and as surviving spouse and executor of his wife's estate, were all well within the law.
The Hardware Store and it's contents were listed for sale, ten days later, on October 26, 1889. Stephen was liquidating the estate and claiming his share.
Stephen Lynch Nash was taxed in 1890 for property owned in 1889, the seven lots and house in Algiers.
Name | Stephen L. Nash |
Residence Date | 1890 |
Residence Address | 18 Villeré |
Residence Place | New Orleans, Louisiana, USA |
Business Address | 16 Villeré, 5th district |
Occupation | Hardware |
In the 1890 City Directory of New Orleans, Stephen L. Nash is seen with an occupation of Hardware and a resident of No. 16 Villere' Streer, Fifth District. He does not appear in the 1891 Directory. And with that, Stephen Lynch Nash, 43, disappears off the face of the earth.
It is with great doubt that he died in Louisiana, they had amazingly detailed birth and death records far before most other states.I've searched for him far and wide, and can find no trace at all past 1890.
His attorney, Andre Dotremont Doriocourt III (1848-1916), is found living in New Orleans still, with his wife, Marion Coates Doriocourt, in both the 1900 and 1910 censuses, their two children, Andre IV and John Richard, now adults.
Name | A Aorescourt |
Age | 50 |
Birth Date | Nov 1849 |
Birthplace | Louisiana, USA |
Home in 1900 | New Orleans Ward 7, Orleans, Louisiana |
Ward of City | 7th |
Street | White |
House Number | 1647 |
Sheet Number | 16 |
Number of Dwelling in Order of Visitation | 307 |
Family Number | 375 |
Race | White |
Gender | Male |
Relation to Head of House | Head |
Marital Status | Married |
Spouse's Name | Marion Aorescourt |
Marriage Year | 1870 |
Years Married | 30 |
Father's Birthplace | Louisiana, USA |
Mother's Birthplace | Louisiana, USA |
Occupation | Attorney |
Can Read | Y |
Can Write | Y |
Can Speak English | Y |
House Owned or Rented | Rent |
Farm or House | H |
Neighbors | View others on page |
Household membersName | Age |
A Aorescourt | 50 |
Marion Aorescourt | 46 |
Andre Doriocourt III died on July 9, 1916 in Harrison County, Mississippi, at the age of 68. He recieved a brief obituary.
William Andrew Thompson remained in New Orleans until his death in 1936 at age 63. He had married at 26 to Miss Mathilda Walsh and had three sons, William Goodwin, John Leslie and Milton Andrew Thompson, although only the oldest and youngest made it to adulthood. He worked as a laborer and as a Fireman on a Steamboat and then had a lengthy career as a Water Tender in the Marine Industry until his death, which I believe was probably still tied to the steamboat industry. He was buried in the St. Patrick Cemetey No. 2 with his parents and siblings who had died young.
Annie May Thompson lived in New Orleans for most of her life. She underwent training as a Practical Nurse. She married at 23 to Guy E. Sadler, who worked as a government recorder until he quit due to coruption and sent to work for the railroad, ending up as a conductor until his death at 48 in 1923.
They had two children, Nova May and Merton Raynor Sadler. Annie supported herself as a nurse after his death and died in 19639 in Rankin County, Mississippi at the age of 66. She was returned to New Orleans to be buried with her family at St. Patirck's No. 2.
Elizabeth, the youngest daughter, had the longest and most interesting life. She married at 16 on July 5, 1893, to a Frank A. Forbes. He was seen at various times as a Tinker, a Coppersmith, a Plumber, and running a Naval Store.
Seen in her mother's Will as Elizabeth Jane, she somehow added the name "Lillian" to the mix and all her adult life went by 'Lillie" or "Elizabeth Lillian ".
Frank and Lillie had five children together: James Walden Forbes, William Austin Forbes, Frank Thomas Chenelle Forbes, Vera Elizabeth Forbes Horn and Catherine Forbes Poe. After her husbands death, in 1928, Lillie moved to Hot Springs, Arkansas, and took on the raising of her granddaughter, Audrey, daughter or her youngest son, Frank. Afterwards, she followed her two beautiful daughters, neither of whom had any children, to Los Angeles, California. There, she passed away on June 14, 1951.
As for Stephen Lynch Nash, he had disappeared from the face of the earth. At only 43, he could have very well took her money and ran, starting over in a new place, and a new wife, and a new career, but there is no record of it, not of his life or his death. The most likely scenarios in my mind, is that he either died in some wilderness as a cowboy, and no one missed him, or he changed his name and went forth with a new identity, perhaps using his railroad experience. With Stephen Lynch Nash, there died the end of the line of Stephen Nash, son of Griffin Nash and his wife, Nancy Lynch.
As far as the other heirs of Phillip Lynch...their stories remain to be told in tales to come. Newspapers left some hints, of the Cawthons, Threadgills and Allens and how they all fit in...and one article that touched on another family name in my line that has taken me on a whole other journey of discovery.
Lexington, Tennessee · Friday, March 18, 1921 |
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